Free and open to the public. Free parking. See map.
Books will be available for purchase at the event or in advance at the Book House of Stuyvesant Plaza.
Alice Green is a champion of the marginalized and powerless in New York’s Capital Region. Since the 1960s, she has been a leading local activist and organizer addressing a variety of social issues, including racial justice, prison reform, voter equality, and community policing.
The founder and executive director of Albany’s Center for Law and Justice, Dr. Green holds multiple degrees from UAlbany, including a Ph.D. in Criminal Justice. Her new memoir is We Who Believe in Freedom: Activism and the Struggle for Social Justice.
She will discuss her remarkable life in a conversation with Writers Institute Director Paul Grondahl, author of the book’s foreword and a journalist who has covered her singular career for more than three decades.
Note: Masks required. Event subject to change. We encourage you to sign up for email updates to stay up-to-date on schedule information.
"Alice Green is the real deal. I have witnessed first hand how she not only talks the talk, but walks the walk. She is fearless, relentless and convinced in her very marrow that she is on the right side of history..."
-- Paul Grondahl, from his foreword, We Who Believe in Freedom
American HerStory: Conversations About Women’s Autobiography
Alice Green
7:30 p.m. Tuesday, January 25, 2022
Page Hall, UAlbany Downtown Campus
135 Western Avenue, Albany NY 12203

With Frankie Bailey, Green co-authored Law Never Here, A Social History of African American Responses to Issues of Crime and Justice, (1999), Wicked Albany (2009) and Wicked Danville (2011), two books about Prohibition.
In the early 1980s, Green served as legislative director of the New York Civil Liberties Union, and was appointed in 1986 by Gov. Mario Cuomo as deputy commissioner of the state Division of Probation and Correctional Alternatives.
In 1985, she founded the Albany-based Center for Law and Justice, a nonprofit civil rights organization, and in 1997 she founded and is now president of the Paden Institute and Retreat for Writers of Color located in the Adirondack town of Essex.
Photo by Colleen Ingerto / Times Union
Cosponsored by The Women’s Institute at Russell Sage College.
Paul Grondahl talks with Alice Green and Leon Van Dyke about the protests across America following the killing of George Floyd in 2020
The summer Alice Green demanded respect
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Unvaccinated individuals are also required to wear face coverings in all outdoor settings. This revised mask requirement will remain in place until the University removes the requirement upon the recommendations of the CDC or other public health officials. Individuals should not attend our in-person events if they — or anyone in their household — are displaying any symptoms of COVID-19. UAlbany COVID guidelines.
Free parking will be available in the Thurlow Terrace lot, across the street from Page Hall. See map.