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EVENT: Jennifer De Leon, author of Don't Ask Me Where I'm From, on Thursday, Nov. 11

NYS Writers Institute

Don't Ask Me Where I'm From, by Jennifer De Leon

"De Leon’s debut handles issues such as immigration, deportation, assimilation, and Trump-era racial tensions in a humorous yet resonant way. Throughout, Liliana’s narration remains authentic as she finds her voice, making for a fulfilling, thoroughly contemporary read."


Craft Talk: 4:30 p.m.

Reading/Q&A: 7:30 p.m.,

Both events in the Multi-Purpose Room, Campus Center West Addition, University at Albany, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany 12222

(Note: The 7:30 event was originally scheduled to be held in the Assembly Room.)

Moderator: Ildefonso Apelanz, PhD candidate, Department of Latin American, Caribbean, US Latinos Studies at the University at Albany

Jennifer De Leon
Photo by Alonso Nichols

Jennifer De Leon is an emerging author who is receiving wide acclaim. Julia Alvarez has said, “Jennifer De Leon represents the new generation and exciting voices of Latinx storytellers.”

Her new YA novel, Don’t Ask Me Where I’m From (2020), tells the story of first-generation American Latinx Liliana Cruz and her struggles to fit in at a nearly all-white school. Celeste Ng called it, “A funny, perceptive, and much-needed book telling a much-needed story.”

Her new essay collection, White Space: Essays on Culture, Race, & Writing (2021), received the Juniper Prize for Creative Nonfiction of the University of Massachusetts Press. Her stories and essays have appeared in over a dozen literary magazines and anthologies, including: Ploughshares, Iowa Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, Guernica, and Best Women’s Travel Writing.

Copies of Don't Ask Me Where I'm From will be available for purchase at both events. You may also shop for the book in advance at the local, independent Book House of Stuyvesant Plaza.

Jennifer De Leon online



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